Who is allowed to download the free maintenance update?

We receive a lot of emails from users who are wondering whether they should be able to download the free maintenance update for Reason Adapted 3.0 for Digidesign. This download is only available to those who own and have registered a copy of Reason Adapted 3.0 for Digidesign.

How do I know what version of Reason Adapted 3.0 for Digidesign I have?

The easiest way is to start the program and watch the splash screen closely. In the red square below the Reason logo, you'll be able to see what version of Reason Adapted you're running. Here's what the splash screen for an instance of Reason Adapted 3.0 looks like:

Should you, however, be running version 2.5, this is what the splash screen will look like (see below): In this case, you are not entitled to download the 3.0.4 upgrade for Reason Adapted 3.0 for Digidesign. The same applies to users who are running Reason Adapted instances not created for Digidesign.